[WikiEN-l] More fair use image overreaching

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Mon Mar 3 00:24:08 UTC 2008

Will Johnson wrote:
> We allow fair-use images.
> We allow them.
> That's my position.

See, there's your problem.

This used to be my problem, too.  Here's how I fixed it (by which
I mean, here's how I arranged that it isn't a problem that bugs
me any more). As far as I'm concerned, Wikipedia's image policy is:

	We don't allow fair-use images.
	We don't allow them.
	We allow only free images.

Now there are two teensy problems with this position: (a) I don't
like it, and (2) it's not, strictly, absolutely, 100.000% correct.

a. Well, that's too bad.  There are a number of things in this
world of ours that I don't like.  But it's now abundantly clear,
on this issue, either that I'm in the minority, or that while I
might be in some silent majority, the vocal minority (which is
vociferously in favor of removing everything but free images)
has so vastly much more time and energy on its hands that
I'm never, ever going to win.  So I concede, and sleep easy.
I am not, in fact, so devoted to Wikipedia's perfection that I
consider it my problem that [[Ruth Gordon]] now has a "No free
image" box where the fair-use one I'd once uploaded for her used
to be.

2. I claimed, "Wikipedia doesn't allow fair-use images".  Now,
how different is this paraphrase from the actual image policy?

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