[WikiEN-l] More fair use image overreaching

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Mar 2 23:08:39 UTC 2008

WJhonson at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/2/2008 1:34:54 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
> geniice at gmail.com writes:
> If you  follow the conversation back you will find that this particular
> line was  nothing to do with fair use law but instead the elements of
> contract law  involved in asking someone to take a picture for  you.>>
> -------------------
> And this position makes no sense.
> There is no contract law in "asking someone to take a picture for  you"
> Please point to some case, in contract law, where a random stranger, sued  
> the person they were taking a picture of, because they didn't get permission or  
> whatever you're saying.
There is no contract without consideration.  If a stranger took the 
picture out of a sense of friendliness there is perhaps a gift, but no 
contract.  The situation may be different if you bought him a drink in 
exchange for taking your picture.


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