[WikiEN-l] So, why do we provide porn?

geni geniice at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 15:04:13 UTC 2008

On 01/03/2008, Oskar Sigvardsson <oskarsigvardsson at gmail.com> wrote:
>  >  b) How many images do you think is enough?
> Commons doesn't work that way. It's simply a collection of free media.
>  Should we complain that we have too much free media?

False Commons has deleted random penis pic submissions for quite some time.

>  >  c) Are there any limits to how far your logic should be applied?
>  >  Should we provide graphic images of felching, squicking, or for that
>  >  matter, decapitating?
> Ok, I made this point before, but perhaps it didn't register: there is
>  absolutely NOTHING wrong with female masturbation, and to suggest that
>  putting up photos of female masturbation is comparable to putting up
>  images of someone being brutally murdered is something that I find
>  very offensive.
>  There are a lot of people who are ashamed of their sexuality, and
>  there are a lot of girls (and boys for that matter) who have been
>  taught that it is "dirty" to give yourself pleasure and their lives
>  have been so much poorer for it. If we are able to teach the message
>  that a vagina is not something dirty or shameful, that masturbation in
>  healthy and pleasurable, and that safe, consensual sex is something
>  that should be applauded, then we have done a lot of good. Being
>  prudish and self-censoring is supremely damaging to what we are trying
>  to accomplish.

Commons does not exist to push your POV on sexuality.

>  PS. And it's not like we shy away from putting up pictures that deal
>  with executions, if they are relevant. Look at
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Gunpowderhdq2.png
>  or for that matter
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Saddam_execution.jpg
>  You can probably guess from the URL what that second one depicts.

Neither actually show decapitation. Problem is that decapitation isn't
something normally done during dissection so it won't show up there
and Category:Butchers isn't that complete yet.


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