[WikiEN-l] The sanitization of Sol Trujillo

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Mon Jun 16 03:53:51 UTC 2008

Before everybody gets completely confused and bent out of shape
over this, please note that there are at least three completely
different sets of material which might have been "scrubbed" from
the Sol Trujillo article and which people might be upset about.

1. Various accusations about allegedly less-than-peachy conduct
   by Trujillo as CEO of Telestra, such as those found in this
   query suggested by Will Jhonson:


2. Some completely scurrilous and unattributed allegations which
   were posted back in March by and almost
   immediately redacted.

3. The meta-story about this emerging controversy-in-a-teapot,
   namely <http://www.itwire.com/content/view/18746/1095/>.

If #1 is legitimate (I have no knowledge of this one way or
the other), I'm sure it will be restored to our article in due
course.  The other two issues are without merit and don't really
bear discussion, let alone any mention in the article.

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