[WikiEN-l] Citizendium hits 5000 articles

Meg Ireland megireland99 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 22:40:40 UTC 2008

I like the concept of Citizendium, but I have questions about the
exercise of allowing wholesale Wikipedia articles to be transferred
across. It defeats the whole purpose of their goal of being "trusted"
when its mirroring what's already available on Wikipedia. What's the
point? There are only a handful of original articles that have been
uploaded there that are in any shape or form different to the syntax
and content of existing Wikipedia articles, and these are very few and
far between.

I also have concerns that some authors there who transferred articles
are claiming credit for them on their user page, when most of that
content came from Wikipedia to begin with. It's no different than
plagiarism found in school essays.

Don't get me wrong. I think Larry has done a great job so far but I
have questions on the whole point of the project.


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