[WikiEN-l] Conspiracy Theories

michael west michawest at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 08:13:37 UTC 2008

As it's the weekend, I thought I might lighten things (if only there was a
roolback button ;-) ).

There was an article  in the press about a new book this week which says
that [[Da Vinci]] hid all his gnostic secrets with mirrors.  The discovery
channel covered the story here
I couldn't really careless what Da Vinci was upto but the image gallery that
shows the examples of his esoterica is much more interesting (the link is

Discovery in its tabloid historian fashion titles one of the pics "Darth
Vader".  It certainly does, but I wonder how long it will take for some
bright spark to include the "fact" on Wikipedia? The guy who designed the
original Darth Vader custome was John Mollo (interestingly enougn he only
has a bio on german wikipedia), will someone suggest that he had knowledge
of this previously undiscovered da vinci code?


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