[WikiEN-l] Year articles

Violet/Riga violetriga at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 18:02:00 UTC 2008

I think it's a big improvement; shame that the edit histories were not
transferred to [[1345 timeline]] with a new article being started at

On Dec 31, 2007 11:42 AM, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:

> Some time ago, we discussed the various articles on years, which are
> invariably bald timelines of births, deaths and events; the
> possibility of fleshing them out into prose was tossed around.
> I've just been told someone finally did one of them :-)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1345
> with the old content at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1345_timeline
> Thoughts?
> --
> - Andrew Gray
>  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
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~~~~ Violet/Riga

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