[WikiEN-l] Year articles

David Goodman dgoodmanny at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 14:10:55 UTC 2008

I think the timeline articles should in no case be removed--they are
enormously easier for navigation. Perhaps some people want text articles for
subjects of this sort--fine with me, if people are willing to write them. I
wonder though how a criterion for suitable content can ever be found.
consider the events listed under "the Americas" thi swill presumably be
repeated for dozens of other years identically. It will be interesting to
compare this article with 1346--many of the events are continuous.
I question which should be the main article. 1345 might be 1345 events for
example, while the main article might be the timeline.

The extremely large number of links to years make this of particular
concern--what will people expect to find when the click on one? a list of
possibly related happenings, or a long diversion?

On Jan 1, 2008 8:08 AM, Steve Bennett <stevagewp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/31/07, Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Some time ago, we discussed the various articles on years, which are
> > invariably bald timelines of births, deaths and events; the
> > possibility of fleshing them out into prose was tossed around.
> >
> > I've just been told someone finally did one of them :-)
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1345
> >
> > with the old content at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1345_timeline
> >
> > Thoughts?
> Interesting. IMHO, it's a bit *too* specific. Most of the interesting
> things in history don't happen in one year, they take a few. So I'd
> expect to find lots of little boxes like this:
> War of blah: |1290.........1345...1360|
> or something.
> An article that lists all the events that happened in one year strikes
> me as almost like trivia. It also doesn't really work as a
> navigational aid, because you can't readily click to find out what
> happened next n whatever sequnce of events.
> I'm also thinking that if we have so much manpower that we can afford
> to produce articles as detailed as this on the years, why not just
> spend that manpower on the historic event articles themselves?
> Steve
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David Goodman, Ph.D, M.L.S.

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