[WikiEN-l] 2 RfBs

Majorly axel9891 at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 28 21:21:17 UTC 2008

On 28/02/2008, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com> wrote:
> >  I confess, I'm a little disappointed at how quickly some of the
> candidates
> >  have withdrawn. Does anyone else feel similarly?
> Yeah. I was especially disappointed at Majorly's reason - "oppose
> votes just hurt" (or something like that). Shows no intention to take
> constructive criticism on board and learn from it. Withdrawing so soon
> suggests the candidates weren't very serious about wanting the job.
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Sorry, I might have missed it... but what constructive criticism was there?
I saw mostly unhelpful comments like "Never" "totally unsuitable" "don't
trust him as an admin" blah blah etc etc. There was barely anything helpful.
I also think running 3 times shows I am pretty serious, don't you think? I
had promised to myself to never run again after last July, and broke that
promise by running again, with the hope the community would be able to be
more forgiving and assume more good faith, and not hold grudges. Some people
oppose because of petty reasons, and basically attacked me in doing so - I'm
hurt the community thinks I'm some sort of unstable individual who would
make a rubbish bureaucrat. I'm a bcrat on Meta, probably the most active.
Heck, even Lar supported me, and we are probably two of the most different
users there are, and we've had lots of fights. But since we work on Meta as
bcrats, he probably knows me better than most. Anyway, there's some much
better candidates up, and I'm glad *I* was the push that got them running.

Alex (Majorly)


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