[WikiEN-l] JarlaxleArtemis/Grawp

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 16 14:04:24 UTC 2008

>> The targeted person's reaction is secondary to him. And the targets are,
>> most likely, chosen at random. He is more stimulated by seeing his work
>> there, in print, than anything else. It's like some persons who write
>> graffiti on a wall; they are less interested in the reactions of those who
>> see it, than in looking up and seeing that their work is there. And only
>> strong outside intervention will even begin to stop him.

on 12/15/08 11:14 PM, Thomas Larsen at larsen.thomas.h at gmail.com wrote:
> What amazes me is that this guy, a 19-year-old, whose identity is
> known publicly, is willing to risk his future career life by engaging
> in silly, disruptive, petty vandalism that would be common from a
> two-year-old.

Having his name and his work out there is the major reason he's doing it.

You are trying to rationalize irrational behavior. With this kind of thing,
only the solutions can be rational.
> And what he's doing is illegal, too. He's taking a huge risk.

It is also my impression that he has been pretty well protected throughout
his life so far.
Marc Riddell

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