[WikiEN-l] Ayn Rand and Wikipedia

Kurt Maxwell Weber kmw at armory.com
Sun Apr 27 22:21:28 UTC 2008

On Sunday 27 April 2008 16:40, Magnus Manske wrote:
> On the other hand, altruism (giving away things for free)

Your understanding of what "altruism" is is wrong.  It's too superficial.

An act is only altruistic if one's PRIMARY MOTIVATION in doing so is the 
benefit of others at net cost to himself.

Wikipedia itself, being an inanimate phenomenon, is not a moral agent.  There 
is nothing moral or immoral about it.

What IS moral or immoral is a particular individual's contributing to 
Wikipedia--and that depends on what his motive for contributing is.
Kurt Weber
<kmw at armory.com>

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