[WikiEN-l] Bans and online/offline reputation (was Re: Follow-up on my Ban from Wikipedia (part 3))

Skyring skyring at gmail.com
Sun Sep 16 09:16:58 UTC 2007

On 9/11/07, Armed Blowfish <diodontida.armata at googlemail.com> wrote:
> But anyway, have you noticed how people,
> often banned people, who feel hurt by
> Wikipaedia tend to start 'behaving badly'
> *as a reaction* to getting hurt by Wikipaedia?
> Basic game theory. You give the other guy a chance, and thereafter treat
them as they treat you. Things can rapidly spiral out of control, but of
course, if you are a WP admin, you have the control and a support community.

Peter in Canberra

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