[WikiEN-l] Bans and online/offline reputation (was Re: Follow-up on my Ban from Wikipedia (part 3))

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Mon Sep 10 21:29:57 UTC 2007

On 9/10/07, Matthew Brown <morven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/10/07, Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org> wrote:
> > Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
> My real name is available on Wikipedia; while it's not my username,
> it's on my userpage and my signature. My overall record is public,
> both the stupid things and the smarter things.  I try to ensure that
> the latter predominate.
Surely you wouldn't like it if someone decided to gather up a list of
the stupidest things you've done, throw in a few accusations of stuff
that didn't actually happen, then got together with a bunch of friends
and held a circus trial, found you guilty, and documented it all
indefinitely on a website which was so loved by Google that it became
the number one hit for anyone searching your name.

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