[WikiEN-l] Packet sniffing, etc. (was Re: Follow-up on my Ban from Wikipedia (part 2))

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Sat Sep 8 14:08:50 UTC 2007

On 9/8/07, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/8/07, Todd Allen <toddmallen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Unless you are editing through the SSL version. I've started doing that
> > even though I don't use proxies, I don't think it's a bad idea for
> > admins (at least) to use it. I've noticed very little difference in
> > speed, certainly not enough to be bothersome.
> Until you accidentally follow one of the zillion URLs that take you
> back to non-secure if you're logged in there. :)
So don't ever log in to the non-secure one.

> As far as speed goes if you're using TOR SSL is the least of your speed worries.
I wonder if running Wikipedia as a tor hidden service would improve
the speed.  It'd at least spread the traffic more evenly as there'd be
no need to find an exit node with an appropriate exit policy.

> Too bad the tor local exit stuff has to be on an exact IP match,
> otherwise it would be easy enough to run our own exits to at least
> remove that terrible sniffing problem from tor for our traffic.
> isn't the only ip address for en.wikipedia.org?  How
many are there?

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