[WikiEN-l] Tool announcement: Alternative names redirect

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.com
Wed Oct 24 21:51:11 UTC 2007

Bryan Derksen wrote:
> Repeatedly. It's like how our article [[Earth]] used to be routinely
> replaced with the text "mostly harmless" before semiprotection came to
> town. Cute for the first time, not so much for the seventh and
> subsequent times. :)

I hereby stake my claim to "cute" -- I'm reasonably sure I was the first
to add "mostly harmless" to [[Earth]].

I was probably also the third or fourth, but I don't think I continued
much beyond that.  Definitely not the seventh.

See?  Vandals can be rehabilitated....

 Sean Barrett     | No, Grasshopper! Carry hibachi by handles!
 sean at epoptic.com |

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