[WikiEN-l] Harassment sites

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 17:20:32 UTC 2007

On 17/10/2007, Will Beback <will.beback.1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> David Gerard wrote:

> > Not all, but certainly those whose skin is so very sensitive that they
> > insist that removing michaelmoore.com from [[Michael Moore]] as an
> > "attack site" is a necessary move.
> > You keep trying to reduce this to binary choices. Doing so has already
> > led to blithering idiocy (e.g. on your part with removing the Making
> > Light links). Perhaps you need to stop trying to reduce it to binary
> > choices.

> Let's not engage in uncivil language with each other while we're
> discussing harassment.

It's hardly "uncivil language" to note that you come to this
discussion with unclean hands.

It's clear you understand that people were upset at what you did, but
still don't understand *why* they were upset. If you disagree, are you
able to articulate what they were upset about?

- d.

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