[WikiEN-l] The Simpsons is an Attack Site... er... Show!

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Tue Oct 16 11:50:31 UTC 2007

on 10/16/07 7:18 AM, Andrew Gray at shimgray at gmail.com wrote:

> I've written before about the project sliding deeper and deeper into a
> 'siege mentality' - us versus them, the outsiders are big and evil and
> scary, we must protect ourselves, we must build bigger walls, etc.
> Both the response to external criticism and the "attack sites" thing
> are examples of this - but they're also both the sort of thing that
> *perpetuate* it, help drive the community into a more and more
> insular, paranoid, unhappy state.

I agree with you, Andrew.

Also, there are those who would warn us about the "enemies within". The
persons who have arrived later to the party seeing things from a different
perspective; a perspective they would rather we not explore.

Marc Riddell

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