[WikiEN-l] The Simpsons is an Attack Site... er... Show!

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Tue Oct 16 00:24:44 UTC 2007

On 15 Oct 2007 at 09:23:38 -0700, Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com> 

> Will Beback wrote:
> > Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
> >> On tonight's Simpsons episode, an imprisoned criminal tells his 
> >> visiting girlfriend to kill the guy who's been editing his biography 
> >> in Wikipedia.  Gasp... harrassment of a Wikipedian!  Stop linking to 
> >> that evil show right away!
> > 
> > Are you unaware of the difference between mentions of Wikipedia, 
> > criticisms of Wikipeida and its editors , and harassment of editors?
> > 
> > Harassment is a different thing from criticism.
> Strongly seconded.  Daniel is committing a pretty clear straw man fallacy.

Smartass humor is a different thing from straw man fallacies.  :-)

== Dan ==
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