[WikiEN-l] There are no pictures in Wikipedia any more

Angus McLellan angusmclellan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 21:20:54 UTC 2007

geni <geniice at gmail.com> writes
> On 01/10/2007, Earle Martin <wikipedia at downlode.org> wrote:
> > On 30/09/2007, geni <geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > 2)Literacy levels. India has a literacy rate of a bit under 70%
> >
> > Out of a population of 1.14 billion [1], that leaves us a mere 798
> > million people. Of whom (if we take a na?ve view and assume literacy
> > as a prerequisite) some 65 million speak English as a second
> > language... [2]
> >
> > > small pool to do the writing
> >
> > ...and over forty million of those people have access to the internet. [3]
> >
> > I don't think we're going to be short of willing writers any time soon.
> >
> Not our writers. Writers to write the local history books. Writers to
> write the detailed history of every train used on the Indian lines
> ever. Writers to write books on local football and cricket teams.

There are 22 million books in the National Library of India. Over 25%
are written in Indian languages. The library receives copies of 902
newspapers and 17000-odd periodicals, and has over a million volumes
of bound periodicals. [ Source http://www.nlindia.org ]

And do the states have state libraries with manuscript and periodical
holdings? Well, Andhra Pradesh does, even if the library doesn't yet
have a website, so quite probably they all do.

Anyway, you were saying?


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