[WikiEN-l] BADSITES Overstatement

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Wed Nov 28 21:03:20 UTC 2007

Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:08:38 -0500, "The Mangoe" wrote
>> Part of the problem, Guy, is that when you say "link to external
>> harassment" you stretch things considerably. There is no meaningful
>> sense in which a citation sitting innocently in an article is
>> transformed into such a link just because someone puts up some content
>> elsewhere on the site to which someone on Wikipedia takes offense.
>> Other links are perhaps not so innocent, but the work needed to dig
>> them up really takes the sting out of them.
> That applies, as far as I can tell, to slightly fewer than half a
> dozen articles, and in every case editorial common sense rapidly
> prevailed.
> How about the 180 or so links to Wikipedia Review scattered around
> the project?  None of them in main space.
That seems to be in proportion to the amount of fuss over the site.  
Without the drama I'm sure there would be fewer such links.
> Indeed, one wonders why in two separate arbitration cases the
> committee have found it necessary to underscore the fact that
> linking to external harassment is unacceptable
>> It's also an overstatement to claim that whatever mutterings go on at
>> WR are harassment, even if word of them leaks out to Wikipedia.
> I don't recall claiming that.  I do recall stating that in my view
> it is currently a cesspit, and I stand by that.  Any thread on WR
> has the potential to go downhill fast.
I agree that the potential is there, but it's dangerous to block solely 
on the basis of idle speculation.
> Simple solution: don't link to sites that are substantially composed
> of harassment and attacks.
The intelligent people are able to distinguish between linking to 
harassment and linking to a site.


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