[WikiEN-l] Happy birthday to me...

Monahon, Peter B. Peter.Monahon at USPTO.GOV
Wed Nov 28 14:23:37 UTC 2007

May I suggest that we NOT use specific, unprecursed pronouns, because
they are ambiguous.  General pronouns are appropriate for general,
nonspecific references, but when using "you" please precurse it with a
specific proper noun (antecedent).  Thanks.

> Earlier: "... I'd favor an unban (using the Flameviper account) if
it'd keep you from whining (or whinging was it?) on the mailing lists
and IRC..."

Who is "you"?  Does the writer of the above mean: "... I'd favor an
unban (using the Flameviper account) if it'd keep [Flameviper] from
whining (or whinging was it?) on the mailing lists and IRC..."

... or does the writer of the above mean: "... I'd favor an unban (using
the Flameviper account) if it'd keep [David Goodman or Peter B. Monahon,
authors of previous post which the writer was responding to] from
whining (or whinging was it?) on the mailing lists and IRC..."

... or: "... I'd favor an unban (using the Flameviper account) if it'd
keep [Flameviper  or David Goodman or Peter B. Monahon] from whining (or
whinging was it?) on the mailing lists and IRC..."

... or: "... I'd favor an unban (using the Flameviper account) if it'd
keep you [all, that is, all discussions of banning on the mailing list]
from whining (or whinging was it?) on the mailing lists and IRC..."

... or ...

Argh!  Just shoot me and get it over with!

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