[WikiEN-l] Slooow!

Casey Brown cbrown1023.ml at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 16:37:21 UTC 2007

On 11/22/07, Tim Starling <tstarling at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Casey Brown wrote:
> > I've been hearing about a lot of people having similar experiences.  I
> > think Tim Starling altered the parser and that might be the cause of
> > it, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone else know what's up?
> >
> Such little faith. I said I was making it faster, not slower. We're still
> on r27647 for your information. The graphs look pretty normal, have you
> tried pinging to check for packet loss?
> -- Tim Starling
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Such little faith in *my* comment. :-)  I said that it 'might' be the
cause.  Also, it may have been that the pages *are* loading faster,
but it's just loading in a different order than usual and it /seems/
to other people that they're slower.  But my apologies, I guess that
that was not the cause of it.

Casey Brown

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