[WikiEN-l] Time to reboot wikien-l

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Wed Nov 21 21:25:34 UTC 2007

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:49:27 -0500, jayjg <jayjg99 at gmail.com> wrote:

>Just because the outcome is the same doesn't mean the reasoning for
>doing so was the same. Crappy links are deleted for all sorts of
>reasons, mostly because they're crappy, even if they would also have
>been deleted under that strawman BADSITES policy.

I can't help feeling this was the main aim of that whole strawman:
to make it harder to remove crappy links *because they are crappy*.
The main site active in this is, after all, spectacularly crappy.

Guy (JzG)

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