[WikiEN-l] Reflections on the end of the spoiler wars

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 11:07:47 UTC 2007

On 19/11/2007, joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu <joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu> wrote:

> As long as we're playing the anecdote game I've heard complaints from at least
> two non-Wikipedian friends about the lack of spoiler warnings. As one put it
> "Where'd all the spoiler warnings go?" However, I'm not sure they would have
> had this attitude but for the fact that there was what amounts to a change;
> that it, they expected to see spoiler tags and be able to use that advantage
> because they had seen them before and were not used to now lack of
> them. I have
> no idea how common this is.

What swung it for me was that - amongst complaints from the reading
public about each and every other detail you could think of about our
content - I never once saw a complaint that we'd had a lack of
spoilers. (Though enquiring about such produced one or two.) On the
scale of concerns about Wikipedia content, it was not visible.

- d.

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