[WikiEN-l] Time to reboot wikien-l

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Nov 17 20:14:35 UTC 2007

Steve Summit wrote:
> Thomas Dalton wrote:
>> wikien-l needs to stop being a soapbox for banned users.
> My proposal: Do not feed the trolls.
> (Seriously.  I bet there's ten times the traffic on this list
> by regular users responding to banned users, or debating topics
> brought up by banned users, as there is by banned users.)
Indeed, many of the banned users don't even post here once.

The problem threads involve one or two persons who decide to take a 
severe stand, then defending that stand as though they were the only 
thing between civilization and a horde of barbarians.

This naturally irritates those who would prefer a more nuanced approach 
to the problem.  The banned user himself becomes nothing more than a 
name around which to coalesce arguments.  What is most needed from the 
hardliner is a spirit of collaboration, and of trust that the people who 
would prefer a softer approach do so with the best interests of the 
project in mind.  A little movement in one's position can sometimes go a 
long way.


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