[WikiEN-l] Time to reboot wikien-l

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Fri Nov 16 00:28:47 UTC 2007

On 15 Nov 2007 at 21:31, Christiano Moreschi 
<moreschiwikiman at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> The other issue is this - so much of this mailing list is clogged
> up by incredibly tedious and repetitive arguments over the same
> bloody topic: attack sites. Could we perhaps declare a moratorium?
> Create a separate mailing list? Please, before the sanity of those
> of us who don't care collapses? 

As the one responsible for a good deal of that, I'd honestly love to 
be able to drop the subject myself and go on to something more 
productive.  Unfortunately, like the monster in a bad horror movie, 
BADSITES in some form or other keeps coming back from the dead every 
time it seems to be completely defeated.  Just now, some editors have 
been trying yet again to add language back into the NPA policy 
designed specifically to ban all links to certain sites under any 
circumstances, after everybody else thought that full agreement had 
been reached on a version that simply included the common-sense 
provision that links shouldn't be added for the purpose of attacking. 
As long as this silly idea refuses to die, neither can my fervent 
opposition to it.

== Dan ==
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