[WikiEN-l] Featured editors?

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Wed Nov 14 00:28:23 UTC 2007

JzG wrote:
> So much is down to detail and nuance, isn't it?

Well, yes and no.

What we are fighting here is the perception -- rightly or wrongly
held, but by nontrivial numbers of people -- that Wikipedia has a
tendency to engage in suppressive and outright repressive ways
towards some of its critics and towards some viewpoints that it
doesn't like to hear.

The way to make that perception go away is not to twist and turn
and find increasingly-tenuous ways of justifying the allegedly-
repressive behavior as being something other than it appeared to
be, or unfortunate but really necessary, or not so bad after all,
or ancient history that nobody should need to worry about any
more.  The way to make that perception go away is to *stop doing
the things that give rise to it*.  And if we believe that the
perception matters, we have to stop doing the things regardless
of whether the perceptions are rightly held or not.

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