[WikiEN-l] Featured editors?

Kamryn Matika kamrynmatika at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 19:44:03 UTC 2007

On Nov 10, 2007 2:45 PM, Guy Chapman aka JzG <guy.chapman at spamcop.net> wrote:

> No, I regard the current high-profile WR crowd, notably Bagley (user
> WordBomb), Barber (user JB196 / WR user Looch) and Awbrey (WR user
> Jonny Cache) as enemies of the project.  So do they.  They have no
> interest whatsoever in Wikipedia other than as a place to pursue
> their personal agenda.  They are resourceful, determined and their
> agenda is inimical to ours.  Once they are gone then WR might
> perhaps turn into a group of people worth listening to.
> Cleaning up after these abusers has cost me and numerous others a
> lot of time and effort.  A lot.
> Guy (JzG)
> --
> http://www.chapmancentral.co.uk
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JzG

Looch hasn't posted for ages and WordBomb posts very rarely.

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