[WikiEN-l] Featured editors?

joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu
Sun Nov 11 18:37:38 UTC 2007

Quoting Raphael Wegmann <raphael at psi.co.at>:

>> There isn't much of an issue here of a moral panic. The people we
>> are dealing with, such as Brandt, Bagley and Barber will stop at 
>> nothing until
>> they get precisely what they want out of Wikipedia or destroy the project.
>> There is no acceptable response other than to block them on sight.
> We won't stop before we get precisely what we want either.
> Though we've got the power to block.
> Sounds like a battle to me.

If you wish to use that framework, you are welcome to. If it is a 
battle, it is
a battle between those who wish to provide free, neutral information to
humanity and those who would see that goal either thwarted or perverted.

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