[WikiEN-l] WP:DENY is a steaming pile of crap.

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Wed Nov 7 22:42:20 UTC 2007

On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 08:34:38 +1000, "Peter Ansell"
<ansell.peter at gmail.com> wrote:

>That may be true, but he is being more rational about the situation
>that you are. You seem to be using troll as a category to avoid
>discussing the actual issues. At least in the post which started this
>thread, he hasn't said anything which pins him down as an irrational
>abusive troll. Having a personality clash isn't a good reason for
>calling someone a troll.

Um, Flameviper posted a long screed denouncing [[WP:DENY]] as a
steaming pile of crap "because it insists on the existence of
trolls" when in fact it says no such thing.  As I pointed out.

So I didn't address the issue he raises because it does not exist.

Actually WP:DENY is much healthier than the long-term abuse pages
ever were.  Do we really believe that we do people a service by
immortalising their foolishness?  I suspect that many people when
they look back in ten years will be rather glad we WP:DENY rather
than building silly monuments to childish vandalism.

Guy (JzG)

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