[WikiEN-l] From the moderators of the Wikipedia Review

Gabe Johnson gjzilla at gmail.com
Thu May 31 17:10:00 UTC 2007

On 5/31/07, doc <doc.wikipedia at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Wikipedia Review wrote:
> > An Open Letter to the person posting on Wikipedia as "SlimVirgin" -
> >
> > It has come to our attention that you have made claims that our site, the
> > Wikipedia Review, contains postings that include, in your words "actionable
> > libel".
> >
> > This is a serious accusation. Without waiver of any protections afforded as
> > an internet content provider under 47 U.S.C. § 230
> > (1996)<http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode47/usc_sec_47_00000230----000-.html>,
> > it is not our intention to continue hosting any statements that are
> > defamatory once we are made aware of them.
> >
> > We offer to you to remove any statements on the Wikipedia Review that are
> > defamatory. However, as only your pseudonym is known to us, it is impossible
> > for us to determine which statements about you are true and which are not.
> > As we are sure you know, true statements cannot be defamatory. These are
> > options which you may pursue:
> >
> > First, you are welcome to join our site as a member and contribute
> > corrections to any false information.
> >
> > Second, you are always welcome to email either our administrators (many of
> > them have email addresses linked to their usernames on our site), or to send
> > mail to "AntiCabal =at= Gmail =dot= com".
> >
> > We hope that you will take advantage of this offer. As noted, your
> > accusations are serious, and a claim of "actionable libel" itself may be a
> > legal threat of a kind that we understood was not allowed on Wikipedia. We
> > will welcome any effort you make to set the record straight.
> >
> > /signed/
> > Wikipedia Review
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> >
> How the hell did this piece of trolling get though? Moderators wake up!

Well, you *were* calling them libelers. ~~~~

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