[WikiEN-l] From the moderators of the Wikipedia Review

Wikipedia Review anticabal at gmail.com
Thu May 31 06:41:23 UTC 2007

An Open Letter to the person posting on Wikipedia as "SlimVirgin" -

It has come to our attention that you have made claims that our site, the
Wikipedia Review, contains postings that include, in your words "actionable

This is a serious accusation. Without waiver of any protections afforded as
an internet content provider under 47 U.S.C. § 230
it is not our intention to continue hosting any statements that are
defamatory once we are made aware of them.

We offer to you to remove any statements on the Wikipedia Review that are
defamatory. However, as only your pseudonym is known to us, it is impossible
for us to determine which statements about you are true and which are not.
As we are sure you know, true statements cannot be defamatory. These are
options which you may pursue:

First, you are welcome to join our site as a member and contribute
corrections to any false information.

Second, you are always welcome to email either our administrators (many of
them have email addresses linked to their usernames on our site), or to send
mail to "AntiCabal =at= Gmail =dot= com".

We hope that you will take advantage of this offer. As noted, your
accusations are serious, and a claim of "actionable libel" itself may be a
legal threat of a kind that we understood was not allowed on Wikipedia. We
will welcome any effort you make to set the record straight.

Wikipedia Review

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