[WikiEN-l] Another "BADSITES" controversy

Sheldon Rampton sheldon at prwatch.org
Thu May 31 05:33:52 UTC 2007

Slim Virgin wrote:

> You admit you haven't read it carefully; that why you haven't seen
> what we're getting at.

I think I've poked around it enough the get the idea. But I'm  
curious: How much time does Slim Virgin think I OUGHT to spend  
reading WR? Evidently she must read it a lot, since she's so much  
more informed about it than I am. Of course, I might be able to reach  
her level of enlightenment more quickly if she would provide links to  
specific examples of the horrors to be found there, but since this  
whole discussion has centered around the idea that no one should ever  
link there, we have a bit of a problem. Instead of hard facts that  
might lead to shared understanding, what we get instead is weird,  
vague stuff about someone saying someone is a pedophile.

|  Sheldon Rampton
|  Research director, Center for Media & Democracy (www.prwatch.org)
|  Author of books including:
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|     Mad Cow USA
|     Trust Us, We're Experts
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