[WikiEN-l] A BADSITES RfA piling-on

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Wed May 30 00:22:06 UTC 2007

On 29 May 2007 at 10:55:54 +0200, "MacGyverMagic/Mgm" 
<macgyvermagic at gmail.com> wrote:

> > There's no examples of why attack sites should not be linked. Suppose
> > you're discussing a forum post from Wikipedia Review in some
> > Wikipedia-relevant discussion.
> > How can you reasonably do that without linking to it?
> >
> At least part of that site can be considered attack site (I have no idea if
> the Brandt's Hivemind page is still gone), but there's plenty of simple
> crititcs there whose posts are worth discussing. I don't see why we should
> ban an entire site just for part of its content.

Brandt's Hivemind is (or was) in Wikipedia Watch, not Wikipedia 
Review.  Some people in this "BADSITES debate" seem to sometimes 
confuse the two sites (and it's hard to show them otherwise without 
committing the venal sin of linking to the sites).

== Dan ==
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