[WikiEN-l] Paul Taylor

charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon May 28 13:56:22 UTC 2007

Marc Riddell wrote

> I was reviewing some television programming I have on tape, and came across
> an interview with the extraordinary dancer, choreographer and company
> director, Paul Taylor. In this interview with Jeffrey Brown on "The News
> Hour with Jim Lehrer" he said: "Sometimes I think a company's morale is more
> important than the choreography."
> He was speaking about his own company of dancers; I think this should give
> us pause when we are considering our own community of editors.

"Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance."

The 'point' is still the encyclopedia. 


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