[WikiEN-l] unintended consequences

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun May 27 17:01:19 UTC 2007

Andrew Gray wrote:

>On 26/05/07, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
>>David Mestel wrote:
>>>>You said Devs said "No" to noindexing given pages, right?  It's too bad we
>>>>can't make a template for all BLPs that injects noindex...
>>>That seems a bit pointless to me: either we want people to find an article
>>>or we don't.  If we don't, I have a better solution: delete it.  If we do,
>>>why not let the search engines index it?
>>Stable versioning has been imminent for a long time now.   Perhaps when
>>it is operational indexing should only apply to stable versions.
>That wouldn't really solve the problem at all - it's quite possible to
>have a stable-but-crap article. "Stable" only really means "pretty
>likely it doesn't say Joe is Gay anywhere"...
If you apply that limitation to stable versions you are right.  Stable 
versioning, however, should be developed to the point where it can do a 
lot more.


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