[WikiEN-l] BLP, and admin role in overriding community review

Jeff Raymond jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com
Fri May 25 18:36:31 UTC 2007

On Fri, May 25, 2007 11:01 am, David Gerard wrote:

> That a fuss is made in the case of Crystal whatsit *even
> if she hasn't personally filled out Wikipedia complaint form 17-Q-8-B*
> is not a reason to throw out or radically revise living bio or content
> policies because a group of apparently single-issue editors think they
> can swing a DRV vote. BLP beats DRV unless there's some pretty
> spectacular reason that has yet to be encountered in practice in the
> last year and a half.

No, the fuss comes from the point that the consensus view has
overwhelmingly been to have an article, and that one or two people who
allege a BLP issue do not get to proclaim it as such.  Especially when
there's versions in the history that may be more palatable.


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