[WikiEN-l] Have we ever had a reader complaint of a lack of spoiler tags?

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri May 25 17:26:24 UTC 2007

Matthew Brown wrote:

>I'd personally say that any plot summary that would be detailed enough
>to cause fair use issues for a commercial print encyclopedia is too
>detailed for Wikipedia.  It's supposed to be a very brief summary, not
>a retelling of the story in thirty paragraphs.  In checking out
>spoiler warnings, I've found some obsessively over-large "summaries"
>out there ...
Yes, if I read the plot in a Wikipedia article it's to save me the 
trouble of wasting time to watch the movie just to find out about it.  
If it's going to be really long, I might as well watch the movie.


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