[WikiEN-l] Have we ever had a reader complaint of a lack of spoiler tags?

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Thu May 24 19:03:31 UTC 2007

On 5/24/07, Angela Anuszewski <angela.anuszewski at gmail.com> wrote:
> > That's a good point.  Print encyclopedias might not contain spoiler
> > warnings, but how many of them contain plot details or even plot
> summaries?
> > Would it even be legal for Brittanica to include as many details as
> > Wikipedia when it comes to plots of copyrighted works?  I doubt it.
> That's an interesting pint, has anyone ever tried to bring a legal
> challenge over that? How detailed a summary can still be considered
> fair use?

The Seinfeld Aptitude Test, which presented trivia questions and answers
about the Seinfeld television series, lost a fair use argument in federal
court (see Castle Rock Entertainment vs. Carol Publishing Group).

How detailed is too detailed in the context of an encyclopedia?  Like all
other fair use questions only 9 people can say for sure.


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