[WikiEN-l] Compromise proposal: an interim {{spoiler}} solution.

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Wed May 23 15:20:34 UTC 2007

On Wed, 23 May 2007, David Gerard wrote:
> > I think I've come up with an interim solution to the whole mess regarding
> > [[template:spoiler]].  My theory is that discussion of the tag is never
> > going to reach a consensus as long as the uses of the tag are as diverse as
> > they are.  So here's my proposal:
> Did you check the proposal at [[Wikipedia:Spoiler]]?

I did.  The proposal states as given a lot of questionable things.  For
instance, the part saying that plot sections should not be marked with
spoiler warnings because plot automatically implies spoiler, when not every
plot element is a spoiler, and even if it was, leaving the spoiler warning out
just because it's redundant is poor user unterface design.

The proposal also tries to put in some more restrictions that were barely
even discussed, such as not putting spoiler tags on articles about fictional
characters, which seems to be an attempt to spoil [[Valen]].

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