[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia's five stages of grief

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue May 22 17:20:58 UTC 2007

Mark Gallagher wrote:

>G'day Anthony,
>>On 5/21/07, Jeff Raymond <jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com> wrote:
>>>I wonder where the tipping point of our dickishness lies as a community.
>>Wow, there's even a picture of a knife and link to [[Seppuku]].
>I think on the whole the essay is reasonably clever, although with the 
>undertones of back-slapping and cliquey dickishness we've come to see a 
>lot of over the past year.  As far as a place to send spammers goes, I 
>prefer Durova's essay "The dark side".
>I made a few changes to the Grief essay, in the interests of good taste. 
>  One of the changes --- the Seppuku knife --- was reverted, presumably 
>because we're just being oversensitive.
What do I know of Seppuku?  To me the knife looked like the kind of 
thing you use to cut out the sections from a grapefruit.  People from 
some countries have difficulty with both the obscurity of English humour 
and the directness of Aussie humour.  The only compromise they can think 
of is political correctness. :-)


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