[WikiEN-l] The American ego trumps all -- thank God, 'cause mine needs surrounded by other big heads

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue May 22 16:44:37 UTC 2007

Mark Gallagher wrote:

>G'day Matt,
>>It irritates me that this issue is trotted out as an example of
>>'US-centric Wikipedia' every single time, when it's only a simple case
>>on the surface and relies on a knee-jerk reaction for its popularity.
>Suppose Federation had occured slightly earlier, such that Queensland 
>(which we'll be calling "Germany" for this experiment) had existed as an 
>Australian State for longer than Germany has as Germany.  How many 
>Australians would be demanding that Germany the country should not be at 
>[[Germany]], because a disambig (at least) or even the state belongs there?
Sounds like the kind of chauvinistic demands that the Greeks put on 


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