[WikiEN-l] Have we ever had a reader complaint of a lack of spoiler tags?

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Tue May 22 12:17:58 UTC 2007

On 22 May 2007 at 14:29:38 +1000, Mark Gallagher 
<m.g.gallagher at student.canberra.edu.au> wrote:

> I wouldn't look at Wikipedia if I wanted to avoid a spoiler, whether 
> there was a spoiler warning or not.  The warning is not effective.  It 
> doesn't assist those who you think will want it, and it serves only to 
> annoy those who don't want it.

I, for one, avoided all Harry Potter related Wikipedia articles (and 
all other Potter-related things on the Internet) in the time from 
when the last Potter book came out until I was finished reading it, 
and was cautious about such things even for the few days prior to the 
book's release due to some early leaks of spoiler info.  I expect to 
do the same with regard to the upcoming final book.  In the book 
before that, I had actually been foolhardy enough to look at a thread 
in an online Potter web forum (that, as I recall, *did* have a 
spoiler warning in its title) and got a major spoiler for that book 
before I was finished reading it.

There were enough vandals putting Potter spoilers at the head of its 
article at the time that avoiding the whole section was the best idea 
for avoiding getting spoiled.

== Dan ==
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