[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia's five stages of grief

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Tue May 22 11:40:32 UTC 2007

On 5/22/07, Mark Gallagher <m.g.gallagher at student.canberra.edu.au> wrote:
> G'day Anthony,
> > On 5/21/07, Jeff Raymond <jeff.raymond at internationalhouseofbacon.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >>>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Grief
> >>
> >>I wonder where the tipping point of our dickishness lies as a community.
> >
> > Wow, there's even a picture of a knife and link to [[Seppuku]].
> I think on the whole the essay is reasonably clever, although with the
> undertones of back-slapping and cliquey dickishness we've come to see a
> lot of over the past year.  As far as a place to send spammers goes, I
> prefer Durova's essay "The dark side".

I only got through the description of the five stages and thought "OK, this
is kind of funny, now let's delete it".  Though as I said that last little
bit just seemed to strike me as out of place.

As for the "now let's delete it" part, I'm not sure exactly why I got that
feeling.  I guess because it's half-serious and half-tongue-in-cheek, which
is right up my alley when it comes to humor, but doesn't seem to belong on a
permanent meta-page, even as an "essay".

And then, after reading this thread here, I realized the other problem.
When I first read the essay I thought "spammer" was referring to those
people who add hundreds or thousands of links to their website.  But reading
this discussion, and now looking at some of the examples of "denial", this
term is used for people who have simply added a an article on a single
website which was deemed to be "not notable".  If people are going to use
the term "spammer" so loosely, maybe a better picture would be something
from the [[witch-hunt]] article.

How long before people start writing "D NN GRIEF" on AfD?

I made a few changes to the Grief essay, in the interests of good taste.
>   One of the changes --- the Seppuku knife --- was reverted, presumably
> because we're just being oversensitive.

I'm fine with that.  One reason I didn't like the part in "acceptance" was
that the other stages seemed to follow fairly closely with real-life
spammers, and the last part only made me think of an incident with a
Wikipedian who to my knowledge was never accused of spamming.  The Seppuku
knife and description is at least keeping with the spirit of the essay.


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