[WikiEN-l] hit counts on articles/pages

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Tue May 22 10:20:16 UTC 2007

> Look at the margins of error. Only the top 13 have less than +/- 100%,
> and everything from 14 down has the same number of hits. I would guess
> that number is what you get when a single hit goes through to the
> counter. In other words, user pages aren't viewed often enough for the
> sample size to be sufficient to draw meaningful statistics.

PS I've just checked the maths and can stop guessing. From 14 down
each page has received one hit. 1 in 6000 hits are counted, so each
hit is multiplied by 6000, and then divided by the number of days
they've been counting, which is 21, and you get 6000/21=286.

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