[WikiEN-l] Have we ever had a reader complaint of a lack of spoiler tags?

Mark Gallagher m.g.gallagher at student.canberra.edu.au
Tue May 22 04:32:22 UTC 2007

G'day Matt,

> As Skyring also mentions, is there any logical reason why fiction
> articles should have spoiler warnings but e.g. sports articles should
> not? If I haven't seen the game yet, it's my responsibility not to go
> reading things that might tell me the score; if I haven't read the
> book, likewise.

I quite like this question, too (oh, and welcome back, Pete).

Why *don't* we have spoiler warnings in sports articles?

Is it because the editors on sports articles don't bring the whole 
fanboy culture along with them?

Mark Gallagher
"'Yes, sir,' said Jeeves in a low, cold voice, as if he had been bitten 
in the leg by a personal friend."
- P G Wodehouse, /Carry On, Jeeves/

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