[WikiEN-l] Workable spoiler solution?

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Sun May 20 17:05:55 UTC 2007

With all the arguing (and of course this is hardly the first time
it has come up), it seems the main arguments still boil down to:

	Some people really like spoiler-warning tags, and think
	they're a nice service.

	Some people really hate spoiler-warning tags, and think
	they're unencyclopedic.

Personally, I suspect that the vast majority don't much care
one way or the other.  (Me, I'm not a fanatic about not getting
spoiled, but I don't even notice the templates, excessive though
some claim they are -- they just slide on by, beneath the radar,
as I'm reading.)

The last time this came up, I thought we'd tentatively decided
to try rigging up a way so spoiler warnings could be dismissed by
people who don't want to see them (much like the WMF announcement
du jour in the page header).  That seems like a pretty ideal
compromise.  Did that idea fall by the wayside, or what?

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