[WikiEN-l] Psychosis and Wikipedia

Jossi Fresco jossifresco at mac.com
Tue May 15 03:28:28 UTC 2007

On May 14, 2007, at 2:23 PM, Marc Riddell wrote:

> Learn your vulnerable spots - we all have them. They are like  
> bruises on the
> body; when touched > we react. Learn that reaction. When  
> communicating with
> someone, if you feel that reaction: Stop > Know what it is >  
> Acknowledge it
> to yourself > Take a breath > and Stay on subject.
> People who want to manipulate you, or take you off a subject they  
> don't want
> to deal with, or consider it a sign of power over you, will push  
> until they
> find a bruise. A friend and/or someone who truly wants to  
> communicate with
> you will deliberately try to avoid any spot they think might be a  
> bruise -
> especially if they have a similar one of their own.

Thank you for sharing that understanding.

-- Jossi

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