[WikiEN-l] Encrypted challenge-responses for PGP/GPG key users

Chris Howie cdhowie at nerdshack.com
Sat May 12 19:05:35 UTC 2007

David Gerard wrote:
> On 12/05/07, Chris Howie <cdhowie at nerdshack.com> wrote:
>> Maybe he should have used "sane" instead of "modern."  My views on gmail are
>> mostly unprintable, so I'll just leave it at that.
> For me the killer features of Gmail are:
> 1. Searching the entire mail bucket.
> 2. One page per thread. So stupid mailing list threads are *one* skimmable page.
> Everything else sucks. So I want the above in Thunderbird and I'll go
> back to it.

I'm using Icedove 1.5.0 (Debian's rebranded Thunderbird) and it has had 1. for
a while, and for 2. you don't get one page per thread, but it can display any
message folder in a threaded view, and whole threads are sorted by the time the
last message in that thread was received.  So I can click on my wikien-l folder
and scroll up a few pages to review threads with newly received messages.

Chris Howie

Version: 3.1
GCS/IT d-(--) s:- a-->? C++(+++)$> UL++++ P++++$ L+++>++++ E---
W++ N o++ K? w--$ O M- V- PS--(---) PE++ Y+ PGP++ t+ 5? X-
R(+)>- tv-(--) b- DI+> D++ G>+++ e>++ h(--)>--- !r>+++ y->+++

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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: signature.asc
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
Desc: OpenPGP digital signature
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