[WikiEN-l] You're magically made an admin. What do you do?

The Cunctator cunctator at gmail.com
Sat May 12 02:30:58 UTC 2007

On 5/7/07, Ron Ritzman <ritzman at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is something I thought about after the latest Main page deletion.
> You go to a local library, webcafe, or kiosk to do something on
> Wikipedia and find yourself logged in to somebody else's administrator
> account.
> What are you tempted to do?
> What do you actually do?
> What I'm tempted to do, delete the administrator's noticeboard with
> the comment "I'm a moron who forgets to log out from public terminals,
> please LART me".
> What I actually do. Log his stupid ass out, log in as myself and send
> him a polite and civil email telling him what happened and to be
> careful next time. If email is not enabled, leave same message on his
> talk page for all the world to see.

 And the lesson that should be learned is that most people aren't dicks.

People who live in communities where it's safe to keep their doors unlocked
aren't "morons" or "stupid asses". They live in healthy communities. Like

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